Steve O. Gonzalez

Steve O. Gonzalez
- English
- Spanish
Admitted into the Texas state bar in 1997, Steve Gonzalez fights to defend his clients’ rights ferociously. He is passionate about helping clients regain their freedom and serves as a zealous advocate to help handle anything the prosecution may try. A graduate from the University of Houston School of Law, Mr. Gonzalez sets the standard for excellence, in the courtroom and out.
- Expert in Administration and Scoring of the NHTSA approved Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Battery, July 17, 2004
- Certification in Maintenance and Repair of the Intoxilyzer 5000 Series, June 24-25, 2005
- Certified as Maintenance Technician of the CMI, Inc. Intoxilyzer 5000 Series, November 19-21, 2004
- Certified as Operator of the CMI, Inc. Intoxilyzer 5000 Series, November 19-21, 2004
- Certificate of Successful Completion of a 28 hour intensive seminar in Forensic Blood & Urine, May 14-17, 2009
- Certificate of Successful Completion of a Hands-On 40 hour Forensic Chromotography VII: Theory and Practice held by Axion Training Institute, Inc. Analytical Laboratories Inc., July 2012
Employment History:
- Assistant District Attorney, Brazoria County, 1997-2000 President
- Steve O. Gonzalez, P.L.L.C., 2000 to present
Community Involvement
- Participant in the Texas District and County Attorney Association, 1998 Prosecutor Trial Skills Course, July 5-10, 1998
- Participant in the 12th Annual Texas Department of Public Safety DWI Prosecution Course, 1998
- Participant in the National District Attorney Association, National Trial Advocacy Center, Trial Advocacy I Course, February 8-12, 1999
- Participant in the State Bar of Texas 26th Annual Advanced Criminal Law Course, 2000
- Participant in the State Bar of Texas 27th Annual Advanced Criminal Law Course, 2001
- Participant in the State Bar of Texas 28th Annual Advanced Criminal Law Course, 2002
- Participant in the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association DWI Seminar, 2002
- Participant in the State Bar of Texas 29th Annual Advanced Criminal Law Course, 2003
- Participant in the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Top Gun DWI Seminar, 2003
- Participant in the 30th Annual Advanced Criminal Law Course 2004, San Antonio, TX, July 26-29, 2004
- Participant in the 11th Annual Mastering Scientific Evidence Seminar, Atlanta, GA, April 22-24, 2004
- Participant in the 10th Annual Summer Session of the National College for DUI Defense, presented at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, July 21-24, 2004
- Participant in the 2005 Winter Session of the National College for DUI Defense, presented in New Orleans, LA, January 20-22, 2005.
- Participant in the 12th Annual Mastering Scientific Evidence in DWI/DUI Cases, Sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association & National College for DUI Defense, presented in Dallas, Texas, April 28-30, 2005.
- Participant in the 11th Annual Summer Session of the National College for DUI Defense, presented at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, July 21-23, 2005
- Participant in the Trial Tactics to Win a DWI Breath Test Case, The Center for American and International Law, Plano, TX, August 26, 2005
- Participant in the NCDD Winter Session, Amelia Island, FL, Jan. 19-21, 2006
- Participant in the 5th Annual Absolute Criminal Litigators Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 3-4, 2006
- Participant in the 12th Annual Summer Session of the National College for DUI Defense, presented at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, July 2006
- Participant in the Forensic Blood and Urine 28 Hour Intensive Seminar, May 14-17, 2009
- Participant in the NCDD and TCDLA 18th Annual Mastering Scientific Evidence in DWI/DUI Cases, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 14-16, 2011
- Speaker at the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association 10 th Annual Top Gun DWI Seminar, Austin, Texas, August 16-17, 2012